Retirement Plan Services

Fiduciary Liability Protection:

  • We work with investment managers who serve as a ERISA 3(38) investment manager taking on the responsibility for selecting the investments offered to participants. We also serve as a 3(21) fiduciary advisor which makes us legally bound to place participants’ interests ahead of our own. By delegating the discretion for investment selection and monitoring plan sponsors are no longer liable for the investments offered in the plan.While the typical 401(k) advisor makes recommendations, we take on the fiduciary responsibility for selecting the investments offered to participants.
  • IPS – Follow and document a prudent fiduciary process.


Managed Portfolio Models and Asset Allocation:

  • Asset Allocation – While the typical 401(k) plan provides an extensive menu of investment choices, most participants don’t want the responsibility of managing their own investments. Our solution returns the management of retirement assets to professional advisors. We construct diversified portfolios that range from aggressive to defensive. These strategies are managed at the participant level and rebalanced when necessary.
  • Investment Selection


Enrollment and Education:

We focus education on helping participants understand the importance of saving for retirement and why they should maintain a long-term strategy regardless of short-term market volatility.


Fee Transparency: